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Carvales de cusco

Carnivals in Cusco: Celebration and Tradition

Cusco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, is a city rich in culture and tradition. One of the most anticipated and colorful events of the year in this region is the Carnival. This celebration combines indigenous Andean elements with Spanish influences, creating a unique and exciting experience for locals and tourists alike.

Origins of Carnivals in Cusco

Carnivals in Cusco have their roots in ancient pre-Hispanic celebrations that honored the gods of nature, earth and water. With the arrival of the Spaniards in the 16th century, these festivities merged with Catholic traditions, giving rise to a mixture of religious rituals and pagan festivities.

Traditions and Celebrations

During carnivals in Cusco, the streets are filled with music, dancing, color and joy. One of the most popular traditions is the “yunza” or “tala-tala”, a tree decorated with gifts and confetti. Participants dance around the tree, and at the end, the tree is cut down and the gifts are distributed among those present. Another typical activity is the “ch’alla”, an offering ceremony to the Pachamama (Mother Earth) to ask for prosperity and good luck. Alcoholic beverages, confetti and flowers are offered, while prayers and chants are performed in Quechua.

Costumes and Dress

Traditional costumes play an important role in Cusco carnivals. Women usually wear colorful skirts, embroidered blouses and hats adorned with flowers and ribbons. The men, on the other hand, wear black pants, white shirts and vests decorated with Andean motifs.


Food is also a highlight of carnivals in Cusco. You can find a variety of traditional dishes such as “chiriuchu”, a mixture of cold meats, cheeses and sauces, or “picante de cuy”, a spicy stew made with guinea pig meat, a typical rodent of the region.


Carnivals in Cusco are a vibrant and lively celebration that reflects the rich history and culture of this fascinating city. Through its traditions, music, dances and gastronomy, the carnivals offer visitors an unforgettable experience that combines the ancient with the modern, the sacred with the profane, creating a cultural mosaic unique in the world. If you are planning to visit Cusco, we recommend that you do so during the carnival season to experience this unique celebration up close and learn more about the traditions and customs of this wonderful city.
